Sex, Drugs and Rock-n-Roll

Actually this post has nothing to do with any of the above - just curious about how many people are searching these particular subject(s).
But since you're here, I thought I'd give you something of value (to some of you), the following are a list of some of my more interesting blog buddies:
Category :: General Stuff
Category :: Tech Stuff
Category :: Stuff


  1. Anonymous7/20/2007

    thanks for the nod arnie!

  2. Anonymous7/20/2007

    Thanks arnie - and I enjoy I am associated with sex drugs and rock-n-roll...

  3. Thanks Arnie - hail hail rock and roll (with more cowbell, of course)! All the best.

  4. Anonymous7/22/2007

    Thanks for the inclusion Arnie. I've been a bit quiet lately. Having a great with my new Mac at the moment though.
    Cheers Coach

  5. Likewise, thanks for the shout-out, kid.

  6. Props Arnie... I'm not sure what that means.. but I hear it is a good thing.

  7. Anonymous7/25/2007

    Thanks for the shout out, we really appreciate it.

  8. Anonymous8/07/2007

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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