Stop the Bailout | Too much power with one person

When emotions run high, there is plenty of room to make a mistake.  And right now, emotions are very high.  But after reading some [not all] of the 110 pages of the Bailout Bill, I agree with those that did not vote for it.  It leaves too much power with one person - to decide what, when, why, how and where to "fund" things.

This is not an issue of whether people will need help, they will.  It is an issue of "who" to help and "how" to control it.  If the ultimate goal is to help the people with mortgage problems, we can do that in a different way.  If this is about helping small businesses in the US keep their payrolls going, we can do that also.  If this is about helping normal citizens from loosing their livelihoods, we can do that.

But after looking though the legislation, it just says that the Secretary of the Treasury has all the power the decide and can never be held liable for those decision.  That's not right.  And I applaud those in the House of Representatives that voted against it - even though it creates some short term pain.

But long term, we will be better off for it.


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