Do you have a question?

First of all, I want to mention, I found this web site because I was thinking about registering the name. Needless to say, it was gone. But the web site is interesting. The following comes from their About page...

What is all about? was founded in September of 2004. The goal of 3Q is to create an ever-increasing database of knowledge, uniquely formed into a 3 question format. recieves submissions via the web from viewers like you, who have a question on their mind regarding anything (Investments, healthcare, etc) 3Q editors then take that question and turn it into our 3Q format and publish it to the web. The average request takes less than 24 hours. In the future 3Q hopes to grow from tens of resources to thousands, and even far beyond that, adding editors and researchers along the way. While 3Q was not created to be an in-depth encylopedia format type website, it was created to offer brief and simple guidance and information regarding the questions that you have. You can always count on us to continue our efforts to expand and improve this site in the months and years to come.
Thanks for stopping by,
Andy Holloway

Now what I find interesting is concept. It's very Web 2.0, user generated content. But, I'm going to assume the site gets very little traffic, because there are only a few questions listed. Regardless, the concept is sound and if I can drive a little traffic to him, then great. Enjoy!


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