So what are they and why do I care? Web 2.0 is about "ME" (imagine my index finger pointing at myself), all these cool site are here to provide me with tools to publish stuff about me for me (and maybe my friends, but mostly me). Actually, Web 2.0 is about EGO and getting my 15 seconds of fame, making the world notice me above all the other noise out there. Ok, maybe not quite that bad, but it is about me, myself and I.
Personal Content Networks are personal mashups - here are some current examples of web apps that would support a PCM...
- 43 Folders/43 Things/43 Places/43 People
- Some of the 37Signals stuff
- All Consuming
- Blogger
- Clipmarks
- Digg
- Flickr
- LiveJournal
- Simpy
- PeopleFeeds
- Suprglu
- Blinklist
- How about Amazon comments
- How about eBay auctions and feedback
- Squidoo
- get the idea
So, someone get some semi-geeky people together - along with a few programmers and marketing types -- through in a designer with a mac, and let's get this done. Me, I'm too busy writing blog entries no on will see (let alone read). Because It Is Really About ME!!
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