In my opinion, blogs (in all its variations - written, spoken, video) and blogging has changed the world's landscape and how we communicate. Blogs come in all forms, from the serious, to the surreal - from the funny to the absolutely stupid, but that's the great things about all this content -- it's choice media. I get to choose what I read/listen to/view, when I want to read/listen to/view.
Just thirty years ago, there were three major TV stations (plus PBS, and some UHF stations), about 5 types of radio stations (rock, easy listening, country, religious, talk), movies were release in theaters (no video yet) and one or two major newspapers in any single city -- and of course, no internet (or personal computers for that matter).
But 1985 (or let's say 1989), we did have personal computers, cable TV, movies on video tape and the beginnings of the internet (if only through services such as Compuserver, Delphi and Prodigy). And it wasn't until 1995 that the "modern" internet was starting to take off and we were warned about people lurking in chat rooms and stalkers on discussion forums.
2006 - there are more media outlets than ever (but does that me more choices, but less choice?) - Remember the song by Bruce Springsteen "400 Channels and Nothing On"? I say we have more choice and a lot more voices. Maybe Disney owns most of the cable stations and Gannett owns TV and Clear Channel owns Radio - how about the internet? Who owns it?
We are better off, we can choose what to watch/listen to/or view - Hell, we can create our own channels, our own newspapers, our own radio stations - all with the click of a button and the power of the internet.
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