Confessions of a Blogoholic...

Hello, I'm Arnie and I'm a Blogoholic. It's been about 15 seconds since I last looked at a blog, maybe 2 minutes since my last read, and an hour since I commented.

My story is very similar to others I've heard today. I was introduced to Blogs by a friend. He mentioned that He had found this great blog and sent me a link. I read it, thought it was alright, but after reading it, I just went back to learning about open source, reading my emails, and playing a another game of Doom. But, you know, I couldn't get the thought of the blog out of my mind.

So, the next day, I went out searching for more stuff. Searching for all the edgy blogs, you know, the ones about Bigfoot and UFOs - then I started reading about news articles, tech stuff, money, family, almost anything I wanted. I found out that there were so many blogs - so many different topics - you could loose yourself for days.

Then one day I really did it. I started my own blog. Now, I can't stop. I spend hours reading, writing, surfing, commenting, joining social networks. I can't turn on my computer, or check my email without thinking of something to blog about. And I wonder what others are blogging about out there right now, are they going to blog about what I want to blog about? It's madness.

Is there any help? Or am I doomed?

I'm a blogoholic and that's my story.

(please feel free to share your story....)


  1. Ah yes, I can SO relate to this. 15 months ago a friend had this interesting "thing" called a "blog" - two days later I made my first post, and now I've posted 330. I guess I'm not alons here - thanks for sharing (and for stopping by my blog)! All the best.

  2. Anonymous4/07/2007

    Hi Arnie . . . ( takes sip of stale coffee and lights another cigarette ).

    I too, am a blogaholic. It's been 10 seconds since my last post.

    All you other bloggers are enabling me!!

    Nice post. Thanks for the laugh.

  3. It's midnight, still at it - I hate myself but can't stop. The only consolation is that I am not alone.

    Brew another pot of coffee and hand me one of those cigarettes, I'm going back in.....

  4. Yep, you're not alone. It's an addiction. I thought we needed to start a BAA, but then I realized that we'd all be too busy blogging to actually go to the meeting!

  5. Anonymous4/11/2007

    Add me to the list, although not much time over the last couple of days. Lots of family stuff and several technology related problems, I hate technology sometimes. Solution keep blogging and the family will leave me (kidding I hope) and get a better network.


Thanks for commenting and go ahead and let me know what you like and don't like. Always looking for ways to improve.