Can't Coach That - ain't that the truth.....

While I'm on the subject of favorite blogs (which I found through MyBlogLog), here is another one. The Coach hails from "the land down under" and writes a great blog called Can't Coach That - just the name conjures up all sorts of images for me.

What does he write about - anything he wants of course, he's the Head Coach - and as any of you that have been involved with sports would understand, there is no questioning the Head Coach. Topics range from everyday life, to government, to blogging, to questioning how (or why) things are as they are. Recently, he wrote about "Who Invented the Egg?" - gotta love a mind that inquisitive!!


  1. You have just mentioned two of my favourite blogs Rt's and Coachs.

    I found your site via RTs Untwisted Vortex.


  2. Anonymous5/03/2007

    Thanks Arnie - you are too kind. Yours was one of the first blogs I found through mybloglog and is one of the first I check out almost every day.

    Cheers goldcoaster - go the Titans


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