Cool Company Alert!! JotSpot -- Relaunched...

I'm not really into Wikis -- when I had more time on my hands, I dabbled with both Open Source versions and online versions - just never got into it. Had a lot more fun with content management systems (like Mambo -- or if you're a purist Joomla). But, that may have changed with the evolution of JotSpot. One of the things that is impressive about the re-launch is that Joe Kraus (JotSpot CEO) is looking to remake the wiki - taking it out of the realm of the geek into mainstream. That's a good thing (even if you anger a few techo geeks along the way) - because normal people don't want to think too hard about doing something.

Take any task on the internet, the appeal is simplicity (not complexity). I don't want to think too hard about how to make something work -- even in my closet geek world, it helps to make some things easy. Now there are a few things that JotSpot is doing in this new rev that I think are cool.....

1. They are looking to expand beyond their hosted service to provide a "inside the walls" install. Allowing those companies that have a security policy to enjoy JotSpot.
2. They are opening their API to allow people to extend the functionality of JotSpot - and allowing these enterprising individuals to monetize that functionality. Very open minded of the company.

Lots of new stories and blog entries -- here are a few links.....


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