From | 10 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2010

Whatever you believe about 2009 and the world around you, there is one constant - CHANGE. As we look behind us and what has happened to our "world" during the past 12 to 24 months, we must understand that is it only prelude to what is going to happen in the future. As I like to tell my kids, sad [or happy] stories are only that way because of where they end - because there is always another day and new beggining to every story.

Enjoy the predictions from Trendwatching.

2010 is rapidly approaching; we hope the December edition of our Trend Briefing, detailing 10 trends for 2010, will assist you in getting things going (again). Go straight to the Briefing, or quickly scan the 10 trends below:

1. BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL Forget the recession: the societal changes that will dominate 2010 were set in motion way before we temporarily stared into the abyss. More »

2. URBANY Urban culture is the culture. Extreme urbanization, in 2010, 2011, 2012 and far beyond will lead to more sophisticated and demanding consumers around the world. More »

3. REAL-TIME REVIEWS Whatever it is you're selling or launching in 2010, it will be reviewed 'en masse', live, 24/7. More »

4. (F)LUXURY Closely tied to what constitutes status, which itself is becoming more fragmented, luxury will be whatever consumers want it to be over the next 12 months. More »

5. MASS MINGLING Online lifestyles are fueling 'real world' meet-ups like there's no tomorrow, shattering all predictions about a desk-bound, virtual, isolated future. More »

6. ECO-EASY To really reach some meaningful sustainability goals in 2010, corporates and governments will have to forcefully make it 'easy' for consumers to be more green, by restricting the alternatives. More »

7. TRACKING & ALERTING Tracking and alerting are the new search, and 2010 will see countless new INFOLUST services that will help consumers expand their web of control. More »

8. EMBEDDED GENEROSITY Next year, generosity as a trend will adapt to the zeitgeist, leading to more pragmatic and collaborative donation services for consumers. More »

9. PROFILE MYNING With hundreds of millions of consumers now nurturing some sort of online profile, 2010 will be a good year to help them make the most of it (financially), from intention-based models to digital afterlife services. More »

10. MATURIALISM 2010 will be even more opinionated, risque, outspoken, if not 'raw' than 2009; you can thank the anything-goes online world for that. Will your brand be as daring? More »

We're confident that applying the above to your business will bring you at least one profitable, zeitgeist-compatible innovation in 2010!

Best regards,

Reinier Evers

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